D'Aranda v Harridge 1829

Turton by (?) 12th November 1829

Sworn at the public office | Southampton Buildings Chancery Lane | the seventeenth day of June 1829 | before Sam:E:Cox |

The several Answer of Crisp Molineux Harridge one of the Defendants | to the Bill of Complaint of William D’Aranda and Elizabeth his Wife and Susannah Harridge Eliza Harridge | Thomas Harridge Mary Harridge Henry Harridge Carter James Caldwell Carter Emma Carter Mary Carter Crispe | Harridge Carter John Carter/ Eliza Charlotte Carter William Bacon Carter Alleyne David Carter Charlotte Kennett | Sophia Kennett Eliza Kennett Henrietta Kennett Thomas Henry Kennett Richard Kennett Mary Ann Kennett | John Carter Kennett Matilda Kennett Robert Kennett Arthur Kennett William Stanes Kennett Theresa Ford | Sophia Ford Emma Ford Harriott Ford Frederick Ford Mary Ann Ford William D’Aranda Ford and Susannah Ford all Infants under the age of twenty one years by the said William D’Aranda their Uncle | and next Friend Complainants. |

This Defendant now and at all times hereafter saving and reserving to himself all and all manner of benefit and advantage that may or can | be had or taken by way of exception or otherwise of the many errors uncertainties and imperfections in the said Complainants said Bill of Complaint | contained for answer thereunto or unto so much thereof as this Defendant is advised it is material or necessary for him to make answer unto Answers | and Says he believes it to be true that Thomas Harridge the elder deceased the testator in the said bill named did make and duly sign and | publish his last will and testament in writing of such date and to such purport or effect as in the said bill in that behalf mentioned And that | he was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding at the time of making the same and that such Will was duly executed by him | and attested as by law is required for passing freehold estates by devise And that the said testator departed this life at or about the time in the said | bill in that behalf mentioned And this Defendant says he is advised and humbly submits that under the said Will he is absolutely entitled to one | equal eighth part or share of and in the whole residue which remains or may or shall remain of the monies which have arisen or may or | shall arise from the sale of the real Estates late of the said testator and such parts of his personal Estate as were or are saleable and of the | monies which have been or may or shall be collected got in and received from the other parts of the said Testator’s personal Estate and of the | rents issues and profits dividends interest proceeds and produce of such real and personal Estates until the sale and convertion into | money of the same respectively after payment out of such monies rents issues and profits dividends interest proceeds and produce of the just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses of the said testator and the legacies bequeathed by his said Will and the Codicil in the | said Will mentioned and that he this Defendant is also intitled to such contingent interest in six other equal eighth parts or shares of | and in the said residue of the said monies rents issues profits dividends interest proceeds and produce as in the said Will is | mentioned And this Defendant says he claims all such part share and interest as aforesaid of and in the said real and personal | estates of the said testator and the monies arisen collected got in and received and to arise be collected got in and received therefrom | and the rents issues profits dividends interest proceeds and produce thereof respectively And also all such other part share right | estate and interest of and in the same respectively as in the Judgment of this Honorable Court he this Defendant is now or may eventually | be or become entitled to And this Defendant says he is a Stranger to all other the matters and things in the said bill mentioned And this | Defendant says he Denies all and all manner of unlawful combination and confederacy in and by the Complainants Bill charged without | this that there is any other matter or thing in the said Complainants bill contained material or effectual in the law for him this Defendant | to make answer unto and not herein and hereby well and sufficiently answered confessed or avoided traversed or denied is true to the | knowledge or belief of this Defendant All which matters and things this Defendant is ready and willing to aver maintain and prove | as this Honorable Court shall direct and humbly prays to be hence dismissed with his reasonable costs and charges in this behalf most | wrongfully sustained.

[signed bottom left] Crisp Molineux Harridge 
[signed bottom right] G.Haldane

[Text bottom centre] Try [or possibly] J27 – And by you to Mr Vesey